About Jeanee
The United Nations has ranked Vanuatu as one of the most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. However, it is paradoxically one of the least contributors to climate change - emitting little to no harmful gases into our atmosphere.
Jeanee is inspired by the citizens of Vanuatu and their fight to receive more funding towards the Green Climate Fund, to properly prepare and climate-proof themselves. Vanuatu has sparked something in Jeanee that she has never experienced before while traveling to other countries. Although Jeanee feels troubled by the growing impact of natural disasters that Vanuatu citizens and communities face - she is inspired by its citizens' optimism, courage, and persistent fight to help reduce climate change.
Jeanee finds a rare commonality with the people of Vanuatu, as one citizen said to her, “You can’t plan for these things to happen, you always have to be ready.” In that moment, Jeanee felt a deep connection, one that she has been searching for, since her sister’s horrific ski accident.”

MoCrazy Strong
The crash landed Jamie in a ten day coma and changed the direction of both herself and Jeanee’s life forever. Jamie’s survival was doubtful, which only motivated Jeanee to continue pushing, fighting, and supporting her sister more than ever.
Jamie’s life-or-death uncertainty led the doctors to a revolutionary procedure to monitor the oxygen in her brain. Her recovery is credited in part with her being the first patient in North America to receive oxygen and pressure analyzing brain bolts (formally known as Intracranial Brain Monitoring) at Vancouver General Hospital. Jamie’s year-long recovery back to health made Jeanee the woman she is today.
After Jamie’s accident, Jeanee felt lost and alone, struggling to find others who faced similar situations. While searching for a deeper connection elsewhere, she found common ground in Vanuatu - a country that makes up like-minded individuals, who embody strong qualities that Jeanee sees in herself, such as resilience and determination.
Jeanee lives by her own non-profit organization's method, which helped her to appreciate her abilities and unique qualities. Jeanee herself is a notable advocate and educator, as she teaches many around the world how to overcome their fears and stay motivated through setbacks and hard times. She is now becoming more involved in Vanuatu's fight to help reduce climate change and to educate its people to reframe the way they perceive challenges. ”

Jeanee and Vanuatu
Unfortunately, with Vanuatu’s borders closed for more than two years, it has been impossible for Jeanee to visit Vanuatu to promote her program of climate activism on behalf of Vanuatu.
However, in March 2022, Jeanee traveled to Dubai to attend Vanuatu’s National Day at Dubai Expo 2020, and during her visit met the Vanuatu Government Delegation representatives who had managed to leave Vanuatu for this important occasion. She therefore was able to receive her Certificate of Citizenship and forge some contacts with Vanuatu’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives.
Now a fully-fledged Vanuatu Citizen – or “ni-Vanuatu”, Jeanee can move forward with her plans to champion Vanuatu’s Climate Agenda, and to start to represent Vanuatu on the international ski circuit.”

Jeanne Ski Accomplishments
- 2022 Winter Dew tour
- 2020 World Cup Halfpipe
- 2020 Winter Dew Tour Halfpipe
- 2020 World Cup Halfpipe
- 2019 Noram Halfpipe
- 2019 Noram Halfpipe
- 2018 Noram Halfpipe
- 2017 Winter Dew Tour
- 2017 US Grand Prix/World Cup
- 2016 US Grand Prix/World Cup
- 2016 Noram Halfpipe North American Series Overall Winner
- 2016 Canadian Open
- 2015 World Championships
- 2015 Winter Dew Tour
- 2014 Junior Worlds
- 2014 Winter Dew Tour
- 2013 Winter Dew Tour
- 2012 Youth Olympic Games Sole US Female Competitor

Become a Supporter
Jeanee’s potential to succeed as a representative of Vanuatu rests on her drive and determination to reach the top of her sport. The constant travel, training and competing required will be funded through sponsorship – and Jeanee has already picked up at least one confirmed sponsor through her visit to Dubai, and is in discussions with several others.
Her annual ski-training budget is circa USD100,000 – no small amount of money.
Sponsorship proposals of any type – both financial and in-kind will be considered – even the donation of “air miles” to support her travel!

Let's Get Vanuatu Flag into the 2026 Winter Olympics
- [email protected]
- 1KyRC3bcz9yt4LXP3m4YGH16rgZwGsbnYt
Send Us a Message

About Jeanee
When Jeanee MoCrazy, professional halfpipe skier, is not on the slopes, she is traveling the world and investing her time into MoCrazy Strong: a non-profit organization that educates Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivors and family caregivers on ways to understand climbing alternative peaks after trauma. As an avid world traveler with a deep devotion to climate change, Jeanee is targeting the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan/Cortina to represent Vanuatu in the half-pipe discipline. Her desire to ski for Vanuatu is underpinned by her commitment to campaign on behalf of Vanuatu as a Climate Advocate.
The United Nations has ranked Vanuatu as one of the most vulnerable countries affected by climate change. However, it is paradoxically one of the least contributors to climate change – emitting little to no harmful gases into our atmosphere.
Jeanee is inspired by the citizens of Vanuatu and their fight to receive more funding towards the Green Climate Fund, to properly prepare and climate-proof themselves. Vanuatu has sparked something in Jeanee that she has never experienced before while traveling to other countries. Although Jeanee feels troubled by the growing impact of natural disasters that Vanuatu citizens and communities face – she is inspired by its citizens’ optimism, courage, and persistent fight to help reduce climate change.
Jeanee finds a rare commonality with the people of Vanuatu, as one citizen said to her, “You can’t plan for these things to happen, you always have to be ready.” In that moment, Jeanee felt a deep connection, one that she has been searching for, since her sister’s horrific ski accident.
Mo-Crazy Strong

Jeanee co-founded MoCrazy Strong after she watched her older sister, Jamie MoCrazy, take what she thought was her last breath in the 2015 World Tour Finals (in Whistler, Canada). Both sisters were competing with Jamie heading down first, as she dropped into a run that changed Jeanee’s life forever. In a state of disarray, Jeanee couldn’t help but focus on the ski patrol radio crackle, “we need all hands on deck.” As a helicopter was on standby, Jeanee raced down the mountain to see her sister convulsing in the snow, eyes rolled back, and spitting up blood.
The crash landed Jamie in a ten day coma and changed the direction of both herself and Jeanee’s life forever. Jamie’s survival was doubtful, which only motivated Jeanee to continue pushing, fighting, and supporting her sister more than ever.
Jamie’s life-or-death uncertainty led the doctors to a revolutionary procedure to monitor the oxygen in her brain. Her recovery is credited in part with her being the first patient in North America to receive oxygen and pressure analyzing brain bolts (formally known as Intracranial Brain Monitoring) at Vancouver General Hospital. Jamie’s year-long recovery back to health made Jeanee the woman she is today.
After Jamie’s accident, Jeanee felt lost and alone, struggling to find others who faced similar situations. While searching for a deeper connection elsewhere, she found common ground in Vanuatu – a country that makes up like-minded individuals, who embody strong qualities that Jeanee sees in herself, such as resilience and
Jeanee lives by her own non-profit organization’s method, which helped her to appreciate her abilities and unique qualities. Jeanee herself is a notable advocate and educator, as she teaches many around the world how to overcome their fears and stay motivated through setbacks and hard times. She is now becoming more involved in Vanuatu’s fight to help reduce climate change and to educate its people to reframe the way they perceive challenges.
Jeanee and Vanuatu
Although Vanuatu is a distance aways from the United States, Jeanee believes that everywhere around the world is greatly united by one thing, our humanity. Jeanee understands that the greatest threat to our collaborative humanity is the climate crisis. Jeanee shared, “No matter if you are on top of a mountain peak, or the beach of a small island, we must all come together to work towards our unified goal of correcting the damage we have done to the world, so humanity can coexist with the environment.” Jeanee is honored to promote this belief of a global comradery of fighting climate change with her partnership with Vanuatu.
Unfortunately, with Vanuatu’s borders closed for more than two years, it has been impossible for Jeanee to visit Vanuatu to promote her program of climate activism on behalf of Vanuatu.
However, in March 2022, Jeanee traveled to Dubai to attend Vanuatu’s National Day at Dubai Expo 2020, and during her visit met the Vanuatu Government Delegation representatives who had managed to leave Vanuatu for this important occasion. She therefore was able to receive her Certificate of Citizenship and forge some contacts with Vanuatu’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives.
Now a fully-fledged Vanuatu Citizen – or “ni-Vanuatu”, Jeanee can move forward with her plans to champion Vanuatu’s Climate Agenda, and to start to represent Vanuatu on the international ski circuit.
Jeanee Ski Accomplishments

- 2022 Winter Dew tour
- 2020 World Cup Halfpipe
- 2020 Winter Dew Tour Halfpipe
- 2020 World Cup Halfpipe
- 2019 Noram Halfpipe
- 2019 Noram Halfpipe

- 2019 Noram Halfpipe
- 2018 Noram Halfpipe
- 2017 Winter Dew Tour
- 2017 US Grand Prix/World Cup
- 2016 US Grand Prix/World Cup
- 2016 Noram Halfpipe North American Series Overall Winner

- 2016 Canadian Open
- 2015 World Championships
- 2015 Winter Dew Tour
- 2014 Junior Worlds
- 2014 Winter Dew Tour
- 2013 Winter Dew Tour
- 2012 Youth Olympic Games Sole US Female Competitor
Become a Supporter
Jeanee’s potential to succeed as a representative of Vanuatu rests on her drive and determination to reach the top of her sport. The constant travel, training and competing required will be funded through sponsorship – and Jeanee has already picked up at least one confirmed sponsor through her visit to Dubai, and is in discussions with several others.
Her annual ski-training budget is circa USD100,000 – no small amount of money.
Sponsorship proposals of any type – both financial and in-kind will be considered – even the donation of “air miles” to support her travel!

Let's Get Vanuatu Flag into the 2026 Winter Olympics
- [email protected]
- 1KyRC3bcz9yt4LXP3m4YGH16rgZwGsbnYt