I have Vanuatu Citizenship. What are the benefits aside from visa-waiver privileges?

What are the Vanuatu Citizenship benefits aside from visa-waiver privileges?

People tend to take Vanuatu Citizenship for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. To enjoy visa-exemption or other visa-privileges across a wide and long list of countries – including the United Kingdom (180 days per year visa-free), many Commonwealth and Asian countries, Russia and Schengen Europe* (90 days in every six-month period).
  2. For personal security – whether their primary passport presents a potential increased security risk to them in traveling in certain countries or, if in traveling they wish to enjoy greater personal privacy.
  3. To take advantage of having Citizenship of a tax-free country from which to operate international business.

What is often overlooked is the fact that Vanuatu Citizenship opens up huge life-time benefits from belonging to an ecologically pristine, almost crime-free, tax-free paradise with many opportunities for establishing a second “home-base” from which to operate.

At VIMB, we try to emphasise to each applicant that their Vanuatu Citizenship is for life, hereditary, and a long-term investment for themselves and their family. Check here all the Vanuatu Citizenship Benefits.

Here therefore are a few additional reasons to consider Vanuatu Citizenship:

  1. As the world becomes ever more uncertain, Vanuatu remains a stable, peaceful developing economy – and a refuge which has a value far beyond the cost of Citizenship itself.
  2. Despite its somewhat remote South Pacific location, Vanuatu is in reality geographically close to, and well connected with Australia and from there to the rest of the world. Many people choose to live in Vanuatu for this reason – particularly if they have family members residing in Australia.
  3. Although a developing country, Vanuatu presents many “ground-floor” opportunities for investors – in agriculture, tourism, fisheries and service industries. As a citizen, you enjoy all the benefits and rights of being “Ni-Vanuatu” (aside from voting rights and assuming Public Office roles).
  4. Vanuatu’s role and profile in the world continues to evolve – in particular with regard to the global climate change agenda. With its commitment to become completely “green-energy” powered by 2030, Vanuatu presents many opportunities to attract investment from international firms seeking to meet ESG and CSR investment targets.
  5. Vanuatu’s importance in the South Pacific will continue to grow – and with increasing interest in the country from China, Japan, Australia, Europe and the US (all of whom are committed to, or have established diplomatic missions in the country), Vanuatu is able to leverage its position for investment, trade and visa privileges.
  6. With its non-aligned and peaceful status, Vanuatu’s visa-free privileges will continue to grow as countries – particularly in the Middle East boost their own “passport power”.

Vanuatu is a “South Pacific Pearl” in terms of its intrinsic value to the holder of Vanuatu Citizenship and we encourage every new Citizen to embrace their country with pride, to visit, and to actively contribute to the development of the country to continue to increase the long-term value of their Citizenship.

VIMB through its Port Vila headquarters offers full-service Corporate Services such as company formation, bank account opening and advisory on how to establish business/invest in Vanuatu.

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